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Jul 27, 2011

Iron Fist Movie in the Works?

While the movie Avengers hasn't been released yet, Marvel have already shed light to plans on what's next to the Avengers movie which is slated to be released next year! This time, they're putting superhero comic-book character "Iron Fist" to consideration.

Rumors started almost a decade ago but got forgotten after smashing marvel hits! Now, Iron Fist movie may be in the works. Iron Fist became popular when he was paired up with Luke Cage.

"What happens after Avengers is what's being discussed now. [...] Fraction and Brubaker's reinvention of Iron Fist has gotten me excited to do some version of that in our world."
Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige said in an interview.

So, here's yet another superhero movie in the works!

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