Most recently known as Commisioner Gordon in Dark Knight trilogy, actor Gary Oldman is set to join the cast of Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, Coming Soon confirms. Oldman will team up with Jason Clarke (Zero Dark Thirty) and Kodi Smith-McPhee (Let Me In) in the sequel of 2011's hit Rise of the Planet of the Apes which starred James Franco.
And considering this is a sequel we don't have any news that Franco will return to reprise his role in this film. I just cannot imagine Ceasar (Andy Serkis) returning and leading his pack, herd or whatever they call it without a conflict tha concerns Ceasar's considered human father.
The connection between Franco's character and Caesar in the first film was so strong not having James Franco in the sequel, which is by the way set 15 years later, would be very disappointing. But anyway, with the film slated for a March 23rd release for next year, there's still lots of time before they'd announce what we've always wanted.
Director Matt Reeves (Cloverfield) will sit as director on the Dawn of the Planet of the Apes! Will this have an apocalyptic feel just like that monster movie? Or is he going 'Spielberg-ish' with the inclusion of a young character played by Smith-McPhee? No official plot details for "Dawn" has surfaced just yet. So stay tuned!
And considering this is a sequel we don't have any news that Franco will return to reprise his role in this film. I just cannot imagine Ceasar (Andy Serkis) returning and leading his pack, herd or whatever they call it without a conflict tha concerns Ceasar's considered human father.
The connection between Franco's character and Caesar in the first film was so strong not having James Franco in the sequel, which is by the way set 15 years later, would be very disappointing. But anyway, with the film slated for a March 23rd release for next year, there's still lots of time before they'd announce what we've always wanted.
Director Matt Reeves (Cloverfield) will sit as director on the Dawn of the Planet of the Apes! Will this have an apocalyptic feel just like that monster movie? Or is he going 'Spielberg-ish' with the inclusion of a young character played by Smith-McPhee? No official plot details for "Dawn" has surfaced just yet. So stay tuned!
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